
Customer Details:
Name:Kate Cole C/O Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation

21 scott st
heywood Victoria 3304

Date:June 22, 2022
Quote #:4109
Product Description Qty Price Total
Shipping - Flat Rate 1 AUD 300 AUD 300
Total : AUD 300

Customer Note:

This invoice is for the freight for two Retro 27″ flat packs to the address mentioned on this form.  An additional discount of $14.96 has been applied, making the total freight charge an even $300
You will receive 4 large packages at around $25KGS each.

Please select ‘Accept’ on the bottom of the page and you will be redirected straight to our website’s checkout to complete the payment.


Please Note:

When checking out, please select ‘free shipping’ so you don’t get charged twice.